are you being service united?
So, after the great phone debacle it does indeed appear that I need a new phone. I handed my phone into the System at work, via secretary. From her, it will be sucked into a world about which I have no clue to be “repaired”. (Ha. D gave it to a mobile phone repair guy over the weekend and apparently the insides are already rusted out.)
I asked one of the secretaries if I could get an old spare work mobile while the System chewed on mine. She made a call then came back to my office to say that a “service unit” would be sent over by the end of the day. I was about to ask what in hell a service unit was, when I realised she meant “phone”.
I weep for humanity.
Glad to hear you got your service unit again. Anytime you want to observe JS, you just confer me a diminutive content module.
I personally have been functioning to date with my own insides rusted out, so there is hope for your thorpedo phone.
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