Monday, January 29, 2007

photos of fruits and photos of vegetables and photos of grains

Over the last couple of weeks, G (one of my work colleagues) and I attended a three-session photography workshop (courtesy of our employer). It culminated on Friday evening, ehen the participants (or the half of us who bothered to turn up) presented their assignments, which had been given to us the previous Saturday. Mine was "a variety of different-coloured seeds." Which I didn;t really like all that much. I'd have preferred G's, which was something along the lines of "duality and contrast". Given an abstract, conceptual theme like that, I'd have had the luxury of photographing pretty much anything and then bullshitting to fit the bill. It's hard to bullshit "a variety of different-coloured seeds."

I was very impressed with G's effort (which genuinely fit the theme). He, like several others, put together a very spiffy powerpoint slideshow, complete with thoughtful text and evocative music. I just had a powerpoint of my shots. I had to click to go to the next photo and instead of Enya and inspirational quotes, I babbled about what little I know (i.e., very little) about the history of fruit and veg. I did make one joke that got some laughs, about how the first watermelon I bought was a seedless. (True, I swear!)

Anyway -- here are the photos (cos it's easier than writing lots of stuff):


Blogger The Arctic Farmer said...

Sorry I gave you a hard time about your subject choice. They're actually very cool photos. And don't be so hard on yourself, you had plenty of bullshitting potential explaining how the shot of the coconut trees fit in with the others. :-)

2:11 pm  
Blogger secret wombat said...

1) Thankyou!
2) Yes - that required some bullshitting. I think I said something like "this is a photo of seeds in their natural environment, which is how many of us think of them!" True bullshit, I think.

3:37 pm  
Blogger The Arctic Farmer said...

Speaking of SEEDS

3:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I likey your fotos v much

AT in melbs

6:50 am  

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