GSOH, likes nights by the fireside, moonlit walks on beach...
- Plant: creative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves difficult problems. Ignores incidentals. Too preoccupied with own thoughts to communicate effectively.
SW didn't rate himself highly here, but his 4 observers did. WHO IS CORRECT??? - Teamworker: Cooperative, mild, perceptive and diplomatic. Listens, builds, averts friction. Indecisive in crunch situations.
Hell yeah! That's more like it. All agreed there. Do you like stuff? You do? Wow - I like stuff too!. Oh, not that stuff? No, me neither!
So SW confirmed that he works best in teams, with people, but has a job where 90% of his time is spent alone in front of a computer. NO MISMATCH THERE.
What did SW like best about his Belbin profile, given that he works in a job that is littered with tight deadlines? He liked this: "Should not be involved in work where a sense of urgency is important."
Hell yeah. Now, when things go pear-shaped, I can stick THAT to the man.