Thursday, July 26, 2007

ill-informed comment on Australian politics, mostly because it's been so long since I posted...

I'm less and less enamoured with Kevin Rudd as a potential PM (not that I was ever all that enamoured with him in the first place) -- he really does seem to be eerily similar to Howard on way too many fronts. At best, I guess this is purely an election strategy: he has a good chance of taking votes from Howard and, even if he does alienate the "progressives", their votes are still extremely unlikely to end up going to the Libs. The problem is, if it is the "at-best option" of just doing whatever's necessary to get elected (implying he really is different to Howard), what happens if it works? Does he then renege on things he said during the election campaign? Or are we stuck with Howard-lite?


Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know if it is any confort but for sure you will be stuck with an ozzy as PM...

4:22 pm  
Blogger susanna said...

I share your discomfort, secret wombat. It seems to me he's taking a leaf out of Blair's book and 'triangulating' the electorate, which I'm told is the process of dragging those of us on the left over to the right by virtue of the fact that, in a two party system we are hardly going to vote for anyone else. He then gets the bonus of votes from howard's sturdy voting base too.

Remains to be seen whether it is merely an election ploy, and we can only hope that it is... but, given the Blair experience in the UK, I seriously doubt it. sigh.

8:44 am  

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