Thursday, May 04, 2006

searching for ladyboys plus a wee bit of angst

The most hits SW gets through search engine searches are 1) "ladyboy" (or variations thereof) and 2) "uninspirational quotes". I guess I could've predicted the first, had I thought about it. To those of you who expected salacious photos of shemales, I am truly, truly sorry and I promise I'll make it up to you one day. A lot of the ladyboy searches (and I should add that I'm talking about half-a-dozen -- inexplicably, the site doesn't get thousands of hits every day) come from the middle east. I have no idea what this means, if anything.

On Tuesday, I did a reasonably solid day's work, spent 9-odd hours at the office and somehow, when I went home, felt like I hadn't done enough. Where the hell do I get this Catholic guilt/work ethic thing? I can rationalise it and completely comprehend that I am not owned by my employer and that there are a billion worthwhile things to do in life that aren't part of formal, paid work (though they are often undervalued for that reason). Yet my actions are so often at odds with my ideas.



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