Tuesday, June 20, 2006

the white house

Photos from Sunday 11 June --Tuesday 13 June at the White House (it has a sign at the front -- that's what it's called, damn you -- check the photo) just east of Lorne on the Great Ocean Road. Despite a relative lack of people in these shots please note that I HAVE LOTS OF FRIENDS AND AM VERY POPULAR. Many of my numerous friends call me "big guy" or "captain". (And I acknowledge that I ripped that line off of Red Dwarf...98% of my gags are plagiarised from somewhere.) But I am CONSTRAINED by the anonymous nature of my site (a constraint that, admittedly, if self-imposed). BUT: if any reader who believes that I may be in possession of photographs depicting his or her image, and is happy for me to post them, let me know -- I'll make you a star, I tells ya!
The house: cheap when the cost is split between 19 people (= allusion #1 to my ENORMOUS POPULARITY):

D pretends to be a native tree while pondering the surf near Torquay:

Breakfast on Tuesday morning (look at all the people, despite them being too small to be identified -- allusion #2 to my ENORMOUS POPULARITY...ALSO PLEASE NOTE THE FRUIT IN THE FOREGROUND -- MY MANY FRIENDS AND I ARE NOTHING IF NOT HEALTHY):

Bedroom view:

The beach in front of the house (BEAUTIFUL IN THE SOFT WINTER MORNING LIGHT, NO????):


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only think of one photo that you might have with me in it.

It was taken in ballarat on SD's camera. She kindly send us a copy as a card for christmas that year.

If you still have this photo please do not post it as you might reduce your friend count by about 4.


8:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isis is willing to show his body via blog photo...and will take all offers. paz

8:43 am  
Blogger secret wombat said...

DC - oh, I remember that photo. I'm not sure it would identify me, mind you. I'm not as pert as I once was, sigh.

Paz - only if Isis is happy if I post one of his nude pix.

8:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was dubya at home?


2:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had a photo of nude Isis humping SW's leg... and SW 'quite enjoying it actually'.


2:45 pm  
Blogger secret wombat said...

Bunkie, dubya was NOT in the house. But all present took turns pretending to be the most powerful man in the world - just like dubya's doing.

3:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your many friends don't seem to be having a very good time in that photo. Mostly they are reading and one has his arms crossed. One poor fellow even has his head in his hands.

Sorry I couldn't make it...

5:58 pm  
Blogger secret wombat said...

Arms crossed...head in hands...sounds to me like people IN AWE of the experience at their fingertips. Sorry you couldn't make it too.

6:20 pm  

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