Friday, February 10, 2006

a loose tongue, or: he couldn’t keep his mouth shut

M just called me from Davao (where he’s studying Cebuano, the main language of the Visayas region of the Philippines, as well as northern Mindanao) to tell me he has diarrhea. Admittedly, the diarrhea was an incidental point. Given his condition, he’d looked up the word in his Cebuano-English dictionary and decided – rightly – that the definition therein had to be shared. It's a doozy even without the knockout punch at the end (bear in mind that some Filipinos mix up their Bs and Vs).

Diarrhea (n): pagkalibanga
Morbidly persistent purging or looseness of the vowels.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the land of acronyms, it is called LBM. Loose Bowel Movement.

Pagkalibanga = diarrhea in Visaya which can be shortened to kalibanga.

1:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pagkalibang means to take a dump therefore there are three questionable points in that definition alone.

1:52 pm  
Blogger secret wombat said...

thankyou, anonymous. corrected.

2:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Referred to in my country as "racing" shits or "flying" shits. The latter can also be used to indicate that something or someone irritates you.For example: "This report gives me the flying shits"

9:47 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are always lots of consonants when I have vowel problems.

10:16 am  

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