Wednesday, August 16, 2006

how english was supposed to be

SW is back from a brilliant, nostalgic (the Japanese word natsukashii sums it up well) and at times bittersweet 10 days in Kochi Prefecture, Japan. I know I had reasons in early 2001 for deciding to forego another year in an amazing place where I constantly had hilarious misadventures with a group of excellent friends, but fucked if I can remember what those reasons were.

There should be a few posts on the trip in the coming days. Work is entering a hell period now, so SW’s activity will depend on whether or not my stress panic overrides my aptitude for procrastination.

First: a few examples of sublime Japanese English. There are more and better examples here, but I took the photos below…

1. Computer at Osaka Kansai airport (4 photos)

Ah! So that's what you can do.

Surely the best way to enjoy internet.


Also, a comment on Japanese keyboards (below) -- the space bar is WAY TOO FUCKING SMALL. Especially for big clumsy fingers.

2. Beer
Can't argue with that.

3. Mustard
Personally, I think they're aiming at too narrow a market.

4. Coffee #1

My favourite kind.

5. Coffee #2
My second-favourite kind.

6. Bread
Maybe one day they'll bake bread perfectly again.

7. At a supermarket
The implication of an unfriendly counter is chilling.

8. Marriage (with MG)

Don't even consider any other type of wedding system.

9. My favourite...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, great! They did learn the past tense at baker school but unfortunately forget when to use it.

11:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're back! I've had to work for the past week with no amusing distractions. With your latest tight deadline I look forward to more procrastination and SW entries.

9:49 am  
Blogger secret wombat said...

Back and BRISTLING, anon. Bristling.

11:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Friendly Counter' - you know I've always wanted to eat a meal in a Food Court which has wood panelling, a dock and jury box. In which your plate is announced by a judge with a gavel. Justice is SERVED!

Only in Japan might such a thing exist.

5:08 pm  

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